Introduction to Linux

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Basic Commands

These are the most basic commands that you should know as a Linux System Administrator.

Command Syntax

Commands that utilize the Bash shell follow this common syntax.

command [-options] [arguments]


Name Description Syntax Example
cat Concatenate files, and print to stdout. cat [-options] <path/file> cat readme.txt
cp Copy files or directories. cp [-options] <source> <destination> cp -R olddirectory newdirectory
echo Print text to stdout. echo [-options] <string> echo -e This my first line \n This is my second line
ls List directory contents. ls [-options] <path/file> ls -alh /var/log
mkdir Make a directory. mkdir [-options] <path/directory> mkdir -p /my/directory/path
mv Move or rename a file. mv [-options] <source> <destination> mv /from/here/file1.txt /to/here/file1.txt
pwd Print the current working directory. pwd [-options] pwd -P
touch Change file timestamp or create blank file. touch [-options] <path/file> touch -c update.txt